Redesigned their website with a more modern look to keep up with the times.  Also developed a Car Rental booking system where clients could choose the rental car they wanted and send a booking to the Thrifty office.

The website runs on a user-managed CMS, allowing them to manage all the content themselves.  We currently fully host & manage their website for them.


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This medium-sized car rental agency needed a way for their clients to book cars online. They wanted to showcase the different vehicles they had in stock, and they also wanted to put out periodic specials to increase sales. We designed a car listing system that allowed staff to upload a picture, add a description, and add pricing for each class of vehicles. This car listing system tied into the booking system. digital marketing las vegas. The pricing set for the car tied directly in to the booking and checkout system. A user is able to visit the site, choose which model they wanted, and then checkout. After checkout the Car Rental agency is notified of the booking and can then follow up with the customer to complete the process. The clients also needed a way to increase revenue, so we designed an incentive system which provided discounts for extending the rental period. So if a person was renting for less than a week, they would be prompted to raise their rental period to a week to get a discount. We also created discounts for increasing the period to a month. Web Design Las Vegas. We created this website back in 2008. From design inception to completion the build process took approximately 3 weeks. There was also extensive bug testing to ensure the new software was working properly.