Why hire a local Las Vegas SEO Company? The answer is simple: you need local SEO experts that understand the businesses within the city. The reason for this is because SEO is always a battle against other competitors vying for the same customers you are pursuing. Your competitors are likely trying to rank highly for the same keyword types as you, so it’s important to know and assess your competition. This allows you to choose your battles wisely so you can get better results for less time, money and effort.
Choose Keywords Wisely
Sometimes it makes sense to go after a general keyword like “las vegas restaurant”; but most of the time, this is an unwise strategy. General keywords are the hardest to compete for because everybody is competing for them. If you’re going to take the time to build a properly SEO-engineered website based around the keywords you want to rank highly for, then you want to be sure that you are going after keywords that give you the best return on investment. We can help you choose the best keywords, with the least competition, that will help you get customers effectively.
Why Hire Local?
SEO has increasingly become very local. In the beginning of the industry, anyone from any part of the world could rank highly for localized Las Vegas keywords. Keyword searches were very general and not many were used. For example, people would have searched “las vegas bar”. But now, people search for a whole slew of closely related keywords. A thirsty searcher on their phone may google “las vegas pub 89147”. Zip codes are just one variation in how people search. There are a bunch of other Vegas-specific keywords that only a local SEO would know.
This is why you need a local Las Vegas SEO specialist.
Know Your Customers
This if the first crucial step in your SEO strategy. You don’t even want to design your website until your sure what keywords people are searching for (by the way we also do Las Vegas web design). First off, being a local Las Vegas Search Engine Optimization company, we have a good insight into what locals search for; But we don’t rely on hunches alone. We run a keyword analysis report using a variety of tools to determine the ‘real’ search phrases that your Las Vegas customers are using.
Know Your Las Vegas Competition
Another great way to get keyword ideas is to analyze your competition. Perhaps they have a more mature SEO strategy than you do. This is the second step we do in an SEO strategy. One of our SEO-trained Las Vegas web developers will analyze your competitors website to uncover tips to what keywords they are targeting. To a laymen, a website may look no different than the next, but a trained developer is able to examine the source code of the website to uncover keywords and SEO strategy.
We then use this insider knowledge to inform your SEO strategy. It may sound dirty, but it’s standard practice in SEO – always know your competition.
Pick Your Battles
Once you know what your customers want, and what your competitors are up, you can then choose what areas of business you want to go after. Sometimes it makes more sense to target a less competitive market area. This moves us into the next step, which is to choose your keywords property.
Choose Your Keywords
One of our SEO analysts will be able to advise you on the best keywords to go after. Some keywords are more expensive than others – this is all based on competition. The lesser competitive keywords are the easiest to go after, but will they get you the right type of customer? That’s what our SEO expert will be able to advise you about.
Develop a Plan
So you now have your keywords, and a solid SEO strategy and you’re ready to get going. What do you do next? We handle that for you as well. We help you develop a plan to develop your content to be SEO-friendly, and and advise you on a keyword backlinking strategy that can help get your website to rank higher in Google SERPs. If you don’t have the time for this, we can also do this for you. We are a full service SEO company.