Synergy is a medium-sized gym offering a host of different classes including: Zumba, Yoga, and other modern classes.  They needed a way to market their classes, and coordinate scheduling for their members.  We created a Class system for them to list & market all their classes.

We also developed a custom Class Scheduling software that allowed them to input their classes and have them appear on their website Calendar.  We handled all graphic design & development (including the logo), and we were able to complete the website in 1 week.



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Synergy is a large fitness and exercise company with 3 locations. It caters mainly to working professionals and provides guided courses in new age health & fitness exercise philosophies. Some of the classes include yoga, Zumba, and many more. Website Services Las Vegas. They needed a website redesign, as there original site was over 5 years old. We worked with them to create several blueprints and the client chose one. We originally designed and built this website back in 2005. They also needed a class scheduling system so that they could coordinate classes for all of their customers. We also built a system for them so that they could showcase each of the many classes that they offered. The website design & blueprinting process took about a week. las vegas web designer. After the client approved the design, we were able to develop the site in 1 week. The total process took 2 weeks, and we currently host and manage Synergy's website.