A practicing Therapist needed an effective way to inform her potential customers of the services she provided.  Her main goal was to inform customers about the ways she could help them.  This required a website focused on the services she provided.  Since her services needed explaining, we asked for a video, and then we edited it into a Video Commercial for her homepage.

We also designed her new logo for her, and we currently provide fully-managed hosting for her website.



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Having a website is important step in your marketing operations. We were approached by a small independent therapist that needed to promote herself online. Many of her customers utilize her website to find out more information about the services she offers. Because therapy has a lot of intricacies, it's important that all the services that are offered are explained in detail. website services las vegas. If a customer is not aware of what you offer, then they will likely click away from your website and go to a competitor's site. This is why it's important to quickly explain what you do and how you do it. Because of this, we recommended to the client that it would be a good idea to have a video on their homepage. She was able to get a copy of an interview she did with a local news channel. We utilized the file to create a short & descriptive commercial that sold her services and described what she did. We created her logo and graphic design, and we also designed her website to appeal to the type of of clients she was going after. vegas web design. This meant softer colors, and a more feminine look. We currently host and manage this website for the client, and this includes daily backups, software updates and security.