Currently providing full CMS & email hosting & management for this Bar Attorney association. Providing additional services of data entry & content management.  In addition to CMS deployment, developed a customized Member Management System, Document Management System, and Announcement System.

We developed a news release system so that they could put out posts several times a week.  We also setup their Email Marketing platform, so that new releases could also be emailed to Bar members.



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This was one of our first clients, that we took on. They are a Bar Attorney's association that has the responsibility to provide information for the hundreds of attorneys in the region. They also need to provide information to the public regarding all attorneys. las vegas web design. We created an Attorney Listing system which made it easy for the public to easily find the specific legal services they need. Each attorney was divided into the practice areas that they practiced in. Each attorney also had their own profile page which included contact information and a click to email function that made it easy for the public to contact them. We also developed a news release system so that news and updates could easily be posted on the website. Along with this, we setup their Email Marketing System using MailChimp and trained their workers on how to release news releases to all their constituents. las vegas web designers. The project took about 1 month from conception to completion. We currently host the Bar Attorneys website for them.