Navigation & Search

Content Star-Rating Module

Content Star-Rating (aka Content Ranking) is a way for you rank your webpages, so that the most important ones show up first on your website. Previously, there was no way to make 1 webpage, more important than another.  Clients told us that they wanted some of their pages to be seen first by their users, Content Star-Rating Module

Content Keyword Tagging Module

Keyword tagging, commonly referred to as “tagging“, is simply described as attaching keywords to webpages.  These keywords allow for webpages to be classified more easily by humans & search engines. To give you a simple example: You are the website admin for your company, Acme Inc., and you just created a new webpage to announce Content Keyword Tagging Module

Mobile-Device Compatibility

Do you want your website to look good on Blackberry, iPhone, and other mobile devices? This module ensures that your website format is presentable on all mobile device types.

RSS Feeds Module

RSS Feeds make it possible for certain types of programs to receive updates of new content from your website. If you don’t know what an RSS Feed is, then you probably don’t need it. Unless you have a specific technical requirement for an RSS Feed, we recommend you avoid this feature to save money.

FAQ Module

This module allows you to present Questions & Answers on your website for your users. Q & A’s make it easy for your users to quickly find what they need, and can eliminate unnecessary phone calls & emails to your office.

Automatic SiteMap Module

A Sitemap is defined by Wikipedia as: A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. Automatic SiteMap Module

Link Management Module

If your website links to many other websites,  it can become very tedious keeping track of all the links (not to mention updating them). This module allows you to centrally manage all your Links from within your CMS Admin Panel. This Central Management allows you to: Group your links into categories Display an entire category Link Management Module