
SynergyGuam – Site Layout Design

DRAFT 2 Header: Added 2nd hours for E. Hagatna Changed “Hagatna” to E. Hagatna Put “Opening Soon” in E. Hagatna Hours Changed hours as per Lisa’s feedback Changed Hours Colors to match yellow in Logo as per Lisa Navigation Menu: Added “Map” item to Navigation Menu Combined “Events” & “Calendar” into one Dropdown item to SynergyGuam – Site Layout Design

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Main POC right now. Lisa Baza 671-777-3764 Clare Calvo is engaged to Mike Smith

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18 Dec 2010 ->We pointed the A(host) at’s IP ( this allows us to host their http only, but their email and other service remains at Godaddy>We forwarded the domain to We built FT_Booking, with them as the first users. They are handling their own email (via Godaddy), and their accounts. thriftyguam

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Domain Name Management Service

Buying a Domain Name can be fraught with risk & difficulty: Identity Theft. Anytime you buy a Domain, your Full Name, Phone, Email & Address get listed on the Public Internet for all to see. Spam.  Now that your email address & phone number are listed online, you will receive more spam email & phone Domain Name Management Service

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Website Layout Design

Amazing website designs can be affordable. If you’ve done a little checking around, you know that most Designers are charging anywhere from $500 – $2000 just to design a website.  In very stark contrast, we only charge $99 for Website Layout design. We only charge $99 because our goal is not to make a profit. Website Layout Design

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Logo Graphic Design

Having a professional Logo on your website can help your customers gain trust in your business and set you apart from your competition. Most Logo Designers can take weeks & charge you up to $500 for a simple Logo; we only charge $99 because our goal is not to make a profit, but rather to Logo Graphic Design

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$79 – Level 1 Premium Business Website

This package includes: Website & Content Management (CMS) hosting Up to 80,000 site views a month included $5 per month, for each additional 10,000 site views The average mid-sized business uses  approximately 20,000 site views a month Website & CMS technical management Hacker & Denial of Service (DOS) Defense Domain Name management & annual payment $79 – Level 1 Premium Business Website

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IslandCuisine – Welcome Page (HomePage)

Draft 1b For some reason I totally forgot that we had talked about making the brown center of the hut the “Rotating Photo Gallery”. So I made the adjustments by moving your logo up above, the hut, and putting the photo in the center. That central area will be filled with a rotating gallery of IslandCuisine – Welcome Page (HomePage)

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IslandCuisine – Logo

Draft 2 Hi Jason.  As you requested I moved “Island Cuisine” to the top of the Logo, and put the phrase “Keeping our Family Traditions” under it. And as per your Draft 1c approval, I moved the “sub-brand text” to the center of the hut, and moved your slogan between the Latte Stones. To maintain IslandCuisine – Logo

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