SynergyGuam – Site Layout Design



  • Added 2nd hours for E. Hagatna
  • Changed “Hagatna” to E. Hagatna
  • Put “Opening Soon” in E. Hagatna Hours
  • Changed hours as per Lisa’s feedback
  • Changed Hours Colors to match yellow in Logo as per Lisa

Navigation Menu:

  • Added “Map” item to Navigation Menu
  • Combined “Events” & “Calendar” into one Dropdown item to make room for “Map”


  • Changed Title Font to better match page

Bottom Links:

  • Centered bottom Titles
  • Removed exclamation in Titles
  • Removed bullets
  • Put light bottom line between items
  • Moved date to left and gave different color to stand out


  • Lisa’s request for a Burnt-orange background were incorporated in the top and bottom backgrounds.  The orange will fade into the white of the page
  • Clare’s request for “simplicity of info” was taken into account in laying out information.
  • Clare’s request for “fun, exercise feeling” were taken into account
  • Lisa & Clare’s choice of “Arial Rounded MT Bold” for the Titles were used.
  • Clare’s request to keep the rotating gallery of images was implemented.
  • I placed the 3 most searched for pieces of info (phone numbers & hours) in the header, so users can quickly find it, without further clicking.
  • The Top Links will be dropdowns, which will contain further links to the rest of the site.
  • I needed to shorten your “welcome paragraph” as it was too long (web users like short paragraphs with large text for homepage), and did not quickly convey the key pieces of info to a new customer.

Title Font

  • Clare & Lisa chose to go with Arial Rounded MT Bold

Theme Colors:

Clare chose the colors (like the logo):

  • burnt orange
  • red (maroon)

Inspiration Sites:

Lisa’s Input:

Clare’s Input: